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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


James Cole
Deputy US Attorney General
CSPAN 06/18/2013
There is extensive oversight and compliance that is done with these records and with his process. Every now and then, there may be a mistake, a wrong phone number hit or a wrong person who should not have been targeted gets targeted because there is a mistake in the phone records, something like that.
James Cole
Deputy US Attorney General
CSPAN 06/18/2013
Each of those compliance incidences, if and when they occur, have to be reported to the FISA court immediately. Let me tell you the FISA court pushes back on this. They want to find out why this happened, what were the procedures and mechanisms that allowed it to happen, and what have you done to fix it. So whenever we have a compliance incident we report it to the court immediately and we report it to Congress.
James Cole
Deputy US Attorney General
CSPAN 06/18/2013
“There's a great deal of minimization procedures that are involved here, particularly concerning any of the acquisition of information that deals or comes from US persons. As I said, only targeting people outside the United States who are not US persons. But if we do acquire any information that relates to a US person, under limited criteria, only, can we keep it.
James Cole
Deputy US Attorney General
CSPAN 06/18/2013
But if we do acquire any information that relates to a US person, under limited criteria only can we keep it. If it has to do with foreign intelligence in that conversation or understanding foreign intelligence, or evidence of a crime or threat of serious bodily injury, we can respond to that. Other than that, we have to get rid of it, we have to purge it and we can’t use it.
Jim Sensenbrenner
U.S. Representative (R-Wisconsin), Chairman of Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security
CSPAN 07/17/2013
Sensenbrenner Part 1: It appears to me that according to this letter and according to the testimony of the Feb.. Director Mueller that relevant was an expansion of what could happen rather than a limitation when the law was amended when relevant was not included in that statute. And doesn't that make a mockery of the legal standard because you're trying to have it both ways? Cole: I don't think we're trying have it both ways. Sensenbrenner: well, you sure are because you're saying
Jerrold Nadler
U.S. Representative, D-New York
CSPAN 07/17/2013
James Cole: but the collection is only there and only valuable if it is used and the use is severely restricted. Nadler: The abuse of the statute, the abuse of civil liberties, the abuse of privacy is not only misused but miscollection. If you're collecting information about my telephone when you shouldn't be doing that, that is an abuse even if you file that and never use it.
Jerrold Nadler
U.S. Representative, D-New York
CSPAN 07/17/2013
Nadler: Statute is of no comfort whatsoever. So to tell me that you go to the FISA court is irrelevant if the FISA court is doing the same abuse of the statute. So can you give me some examples where ongoing bulk collection, I'm not asking about use, has been allowed by virtue of grand jury subpoena without showing the connection between those tangible things and a specific investigation? Chairman: time of the gentleman has expired. James Cole: We'll take that as a question for the record (and depending on the rules of criminal procedure we'll see what we can get back to you.)
Zoe Lofgren
U.S. Representative, D-CA
CSPAN 07/17/2013
Lofgren: And I just recently reviewed a annual report on section 215. Is it true that the or isn't it true that the annual 215 report to the committee is less than a single page and not more than eight sentences? Cole: I think that the 215 annual reports are quite a bit less than the 702 annual reports.
Zoe Lofgren
U.S. Representative, D-CA
CSPAN 07/17/2013
Lofgren: I just asked a question. Is that about the size of your recollection? Cole: I'd have to go back to answer directly. Lofgren: is it true that the report of the number of applications really gives the committee information as to the amount of records impacted? Cole: the number of applications, is there a direct correlation between the number of entities impacted or the number of record?
Zoe Lofgren
U.S. Representative, D-CA
CSPAN 07/17/2013
Cole: Impacted will depend on how many phone numbers have been called. Lofgren: you report the number of applications but it would have no relationship to the number of records acquired? Cole: no, not necessarily. Lofgren: thank you very much.
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